Metabolic Surgery

Metabolic (Bariatric) Surgery - Key Facts & Benefits

Metabolic (Bariatric) Surgery - Key Facts & Benefits

Metabolic (bariatric) surgery is the most effective treatment for severe obesity, leading to significant weight loss, improved well-being, and prevention of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and others.

Research shows that patients usually lose the maximum amount of weight within a year to two years after bariatric surgery, and their health is significantly improved.

Patients with a preoperative BMI less than 40 are more likely to achieve a BMI less than 30 after surgery compared to patients without surgery and are more likely to experience remission of obesity-related diseases. Metabolic surgery results in significant, sustained, and long-term weight loss. Most patients lose about 70-80% of their excess weight within 18-24 months after surgery.

One recent study comparing drug therapy to bariatric surgery found that patients who underwent surgery experienced improved quality of life and overall health compared to those who regularly took medication. After bariatric surgery, one-third of patients experienced, complete remission of diabetes, normalization of blood sugar levels, and, as a result, medication use was reduced to zero.

The risk of death associated with bariatric surgery is about 0.1%, and the overall chance of serious complications is about 4%.

The complication and mortality rates associated with laparoscopic bariatric surgery are comparable to some of the safest and most frequently performed metabolic surgeries in the United States, as well as gallbladder surgery, knee surgery, and appendectomies, according to a study by the Cleveland Clinic's Institute of Bariatrics and Metabolism.

Metabolic (Bariatric) Surgery and Diabetes Mellitus

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disease characterized by insulin resistance and progressive pancreatic beta-cell deficiency, leading to hyperglycemia.

Obesity, a risk factor in type 2 diabetes, contributes to its development by inducing insulin resistance and inflammation, which in turn disrupts glucose regulation.

Untreated diabetes can lead to high blood glucose or sugar levels, which can adversely affect various organs and tissues, including the heart, kidneys, and eyes.

Diet and exercise remain the cornerstones of diabetes management. However, many patients fail to maintain a healthy weight, which in turn can lead to high blood sugar levels despite the use of oral medication and insulin injections. Many medical studies also show that metabolic surgery is a highly effective treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Metabolic surgery is recommended in the following cases:

  • For patients with poorly controlled diabetes
  • For patients who are overweight or obese
  • For patients who do not want to take medication and prefer surgical intervention.

What's more, metabolic surgery can help prevent diabetes-related medical complications such as kidney failure, diabetic retinopathy, and cardiovascular disease. This type of surgery has also been shown to be effective in preventing the development of diabetes in obese patients who are at high risk of developing diabetes due to overweight.

In addition to controlling diabetes and weight loss, metabolic surgery can help patients:

  • reduce risk of cancer
  • increase life expectancy

Metabolic surgery is for patients with type 2 diabetes, whose obesity is often a major factor. However, obesity is an increasingly serious problem for those with type 1 diabetes as well: a recent study found that even among patients under the age of 18 about a third are overweight or obese.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 hours. For the next few days, patients should adhere to a liquid diet, before switching to soft foods. Most patients spend 3 to 5 days in the hospital and return to a normal life after about 2 weeks.

If you are interested in metabolic surgery, you should undergo a thorough check-up, and consult with your doctor on the most effective form of treatment for your specific case. To lead a healthier life which is vital you will also need to implement positive lifestyle changes.

Metabolic (Bariatric) Surgery - Are There Risks and Consequences?

Metabolic surgery is a safe surgical procedure; the main risks arise during the first few days after surgery as a result of complications such as bleeding, infections, respiratory problems, deep vein thrombosis, or adverse reactions to anesthesia.

Long-term complications are rare, but binge eating and an unhealthy lifestyle in the aftermath of surgery can lead to a return to the previous weight.

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