Ileal Interposition Surgery

Ileal Interposition - Benefits

Ileal Interposition - Benefits

Unfortunately, the number of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus is growing rapidly all over the world; people suffering from this disease not only have to constantly take medication, but they also have a risk of contracting other diseases and suffering damage to vital organs, as well deterioration of quality of life. One of the treatments for type 2 diabetes mellitus is ileal interposition.

Briefly, the term Ileal interposition surgery can be described as a procedure to replace the location of the last and initial part of the small intestine. The ileal interposition, which is a surgical procedure in metabolic surgery involving an operation that involves the stomach, duodenum, and the small intestine, is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, achieve hormonal effects, especially for the remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and also in patients who are not obese.

The ileal interposition was developed in Brazil and introduced by Brazilian surgeon Aureo De Paula in 1999.

Benefits of treating diabetes mellitus by interposition:

  • improving the motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a decrease in the level of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for feelings of hunger. After the operation, patients do not feel hungry, and their diet changes accordingly
  • complete remission of the disease;
  • stabilization of sugar levels and blood pressure;
  • patient’s experience a quick return to their normal rhythm of life;
  • minimal surgical intervention and a short recovery period after surgery;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • after surgery patients with type 2 diabetes do not need to take medications;
  • development of concomitant diseases and loss of working capacity is effectively prevented.

Ileal interposition - indications

To determine whether a given patient is a candidate for surgery, doctors consider several criteria:

  • the length of time patients have been suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • patients inability to control blood sugar levels with medication;
  • patients other vital organs show signs of damage;
  • patients with significant excess weight;
  • patients who have insulin deficiency.

It should be emphasized that patients should not wait until all criteria are met. The earlier the patient seeks help, the more successful the treatment will be.

However, there is also a group of patients who do not require surgery. In situations where:

  • patients have been successfully controlling blood sugar levels over the past several years
  • patients who are not overweight

In these cases, doctors may recommend other forms of prevention and treatment.

Ileal interposition - risks and recommendations

In countries where this treatment is carried out, doctors emphasize that the operation itself is safe and is performed using laparoscopy. However, a team of physicians with specific technical skills is required to successfully perform ileal interposition.

The duration of the operation is from one and a half to seven hours; a few hours after the operation patients can drink water. Over the next few days, patients are transferred to liquid food, and then they can consume soft food.

The total length of hospital stay is typically 6 days, with a recovery period of up to 4 weeks.

The length of the recovery period also depends on factors such as gender and age. Usually, men return to full life faster than women. Younger patients can naturally start an active lifestyle earlier than older patients. As a rule, during these 4 weeks, the body has time to adapt to new conditions, and within a maximum of 2.5 months, the patients start to experience an increase in their quality of life.

After interposition of the ileum, just like after any surgery, complications are possible such as:

  • infections;
  • allergic reactions to anesthesia;
  • bleeding.

After the recovery period, most patients feel a surge of energy and do not experience sleep problems. In order to maintain these positive improvements, doctors recommend patients to:

  • eat regularly (frequently and in small portions) and drink regularly liquids (water);
  • remember to take additional vitamin supplements;
  • engage in physical activity daily, ideally outdoors, such as walking for 20 minutes.

Some clinics after conducting ileal interposition, develop individual plans for patients, including the recommendations described above, in the form of monthly or weekly programs.

To date, ileal interposition surgery is performed only in some countries, including Turkey. If you are interested in more detailed information, fill out the form on our website and arrange a consultation.

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